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Schaeffler Publishes Sustainability Report

15 Jul,2019

Global automotive and industrial supplier Schaeffler has published its Sustainability Report for the 2018 financial year. The report, which is themed “Making progress visible”, provides a transparent and detailed overview of the company’s sustainability work in each of its four strategic fields of action: “Sustainable Management”, “Customers and Products”, “Environment and Energy” and “Employees and Society”.

Overview of sustainability projects at Schaeffler

The report was compiled in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In keeping with the company’s previous sustainability reports, the 2018 edition details the Schaeffler Group’s non-financial goals and measures, which are core elements of its integrated sustainability strategy. In 2018, key focus areas of the Schaeffler Group’s sustainability management program included – among other things – the further development of sustainable supply chains and the resource-saving production of mobility solutions.

“As a global company, we bear a particular responsibility for the environment and society. That’s why a holistic approach to sustainability along the entire value chain is a core part of our value-driven strategic orientation. The evolving expectations of all stakeholder groups make it all the more important for us not only to report on our sustainability activities and achievements in a transparent fashion, but to also live up to our sustainability aspirations in our daily work,” said Corinna Schittenhelm, Chief Human Resources Officer at the Schaeffler Group.

The 2018 Sustainability Report, which is Schaeffler’s third, once again exceeds the reporting standards mandated by Germany’s CSR Directive Implementation Act (CSR-RUG), underscoring the company’s commitment to comprehensive, transparent and pioneering sustainability initiatives. The report also lays out the company’s contributions to achieving the United Nation’s Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through its business activities, Schaeffler is doing its part to meeting ten of the 17 SDGs.

Corporate sustainability structures strengthened

Since January 2019, Schaeffler has bolstered its corporate sustainability structures, including by creating a dedicated department that reports directly to the HR division at Board of Managing Directors level. Responsibility for sustainability issues is now bundled under the leadership of Thomas Fu?h?ller, who joined the Schaeffler Group as Head of Sustainability, Environment, Health & Safety at the beginning of the year.

By taking this step, Schaeffler has strengthened its in-house sustainability management function and signaled its commitment to vigorously pursuing its sustainability strategy in partnership with selected stakeholders.

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